Synopsis of BCOTFA AGM Meetings


Minutes of the 44th Annual General Meeting – September 14, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 8:45 am at Heritage House, 100 Lorne Street, Kamloops, BC
(during a pancake breakfast by the Paddlewheelers Lions Club), with President Jackie Davis in the chair.

There were 30 members present including 7 Provincial Board members (Jackie Davis, Florence Tellier, Doreen Rail, Lynn Tribe, Linda Hiles, Angeline Slater & Cary Grigg). Beth Bressette & Craig  Freeman were unable to attend. Three out of 12 Branches were represented. We also had 9 guests in attendance.
Copies of the Meeting Agenda were distributed & the meeting was called to order at 8:45 a.m.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of September 16, 2023 had also been distributed. MOTION: by Cary Grigg, 2nd Doreen Rail to approve the minutes as provided. Carried.

Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 as reviewed by Ada Brown had been circulated. The statements reflected a net loss for the year of $ 4,949.85 and total current assets of $16,739.72. MOTION: by Cary Grigg, 2nd Anita Gammel to accept the Financial Statements as provided. Carried. Membership: 441 as of January 1/24
Correspondence: – None

– Canadian Grand Masters will be in Kamloops in 2025. Sagebrush Theatre is booked & also the
Delta Hotel. Volunteers are needed for the August 22, 23, 2025 weekend.
Meeting was adjourned by Jackie Davis 8:50 to conduct the election of officers. Sylvie Johnson &
Doreen Rail were asked to be Scrutineers.

(a) President – Jackie Davis of Kamloops – voted in
(b) Vice President – Doreen Rail of the Kelowna Branch – voted in
(c) Secretary Treasurer – Florence Tellier of Kamloops – voted in
(d) Directors: 2 year positions:

1. Angeline Slater & Dave Lynn were nominated with Angeline Slater voted in.

2. Dave Lynn – voted in

3. Vic Ukrainetz (declined) & Lynn Tribe were nominated; Lynn Tribe of Kelowna – voted in

Beth Bressette, Linda Hiles & Cary Grigg have 1 more year to serve on the board.

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Jackie Davis then welcomed the new Board of Directors & reopened the meeting at 9:05.
MOTION by Cary Grigg, 2nd by Angeline Slater that the ballots be destroyed. Carried.

(a) 2024 Canadian Grand Masters was in Whitehorse. It was an amazing weekend with 7
BC people competing.
(b) 2023-2024 Liability Insurance has been paid by the BCOTFA on behalf of all Branches.
(c) BCOTFA Fiddle Contest Rules –some concerns had been expressed regarding the 2 year
rule, but this does only apply to adult categories.
(d) A suggestion to sell hats as a BCOTFA fundraiser. MOTION by Cary Grigg, 2nd Doreen
Rail that we proceed with that idea. Carried. Cost of each hat would be $ 16.45 & we
would sell for $ 25.00 ea. If 100 are sold we could make a profit of $854.72.
(e) One of our guests, Annie Brown spoke regarding being in Ireland in 2015 – “All Ireland”,
where they had a Miscellaneous Category which included other instruments besides the

Next AGM meeting will take place in Kelowna following their Fiddle weekend on June 7, 2025.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 am

F. Tellier
Florence Tellier



Minutes of the 43rd Annual General Meeting – September 16, 2023

The meeting was held at 9:15 am at Heritage House, 100 Lorne Street, Kamloops, BC (during a pancake breakfast by the Paddlewheelers Lions Club), with President Jackie Davis in the chair.

There were 36 members present including 7 Provincial Board members (Jackie Davis, Florence Tellier, Doreen Rail, Hal Giles, Linda Hiles, Angeline Slater & Elizabeth Ewen). One position was vacant & Lynn Tribe was unable to attend. 3 out of 12 Branches were represented.

Copies of the Meeting Agenda were distributed & the meeting was called to order at 9:15 a.m.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of September 25, 2022 had also been distributed. MOTION: by Anita Gammel, 2nd Herman Kovacs to approve the minutes as provided. Carried.

Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 & reviewed by Ada Brown had been circulated. The statements reflected a net gain for the year of $ 1,018.64 and total current assets of $21,689.57. MOTION: by Dan Allen, 2nd Lynn Garbay to accept the Financial Statements as provided. Carried.

Membership: 388 as of January 1/23 Correspondence:
– Thank you was received from the Quesnel Br. for the flowers & balloons taken to celebrate their 50th contest last October.
– Thank you was received from the Central Fraser Valley Br. for the flowers & balloons taken to
celebrate their 50th year in May/23.

– None
Meeting was adjourned for Jackie Davis to conduct the election of officers. Sylvie Johnson &
Carol Ukrainetz were asked to be Scrutineers.

(a) President – Jackie Davis of Kamloops by acclamation
(b) Vice President – Doreen Rail of the Kelowna Branch by acclamation
(c) Secretary Treasurer – Florence Tellier of Kamloops by acclamation
(d) Directors: 2 year positions: 1. Cary Grigg of Langley by acclamation
2. Beth Bressette of Prince George by acclamation
3. Craig Freeman & Linda Hiles were nominated;
Linda Hiles of Kamloops elected
(e) Directors: 1 year positions: 1. Craig Freeman from Vancouver Island by acclamation

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Jackie Davis then welcomed the new Board of Directors & reopened the meeting at 9:35 for –

(a) 2023 Canadian Grand Masters – BC fiddlers Max Francis & Michael Burnyeat had
placed in the top ten; Max 5th & Michael 8th. The competition took place in Truro, NS.
(b) 2024 Canadian Grand Masters will take place in Whitehorse, YT
(c) 2023-2024 Insurance has been paid by the BCOTFA on behalf of all Branches.
(d) BCOTFA Fiddle Contest Rules – The Board had discussed & recommended some changes
to the wording:
MOTION by John Heim, 2nd Cary Grigg to include in the wording of rule #1 to say
“Contestants must play a waltz, a jig, and a breakdown (tunes in 2/4, 4/4 time; ie hornpipe,
reel, polka, two-step, hoedown are accepted). All tunes must be played in the Canadian old
time style.” Carried.
MOTION by Cary Grigg, 2nd Angeline Slater to change the wording on Rule #13 to “If a
contest is designated as a Provincial Contest, only residents of British Columbia are eligible
to compete in the Championship category.” Carried, with 1 opposing vote.

Next meeting will take place at the 2024 Provincial Contest.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45 am

F. Tellier
Florence Tellier



Minutes of the 42nd Annual General Meeting – September 25, 2022

The meeting was held at Heritage House, 100 Lorne Street, Kamloops, BC (following a pancake breakfast by the Paddlewheelers Lions Club), with President Jackie Davis in the chair.

There were 19 members present including 4 Provincial Board members (Jackie Davis, Florence Tellier, John Tribe & Doreen Rail,). Jean Gelinas, Barry Nakahara, Craig Freeman, & Karen Omit were absent from the board of directors & one position was empty after the passing of Clark Hiles. 3 out of 13 Branches were represented.

Copies of the Meeting Agenda were distributed & the meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. Jackie Davis welcomed everyone & expressed thanks to all the Branches who have struggled through Covid.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of September 15, 2019 had also been distributed. MOTION: by Anita Gammel, 2nd Hal Giles to approve the minutes as provided. Carried.

Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022 had been circulated. The statements reflected a net gain for the year of $ 2,141.08 and total current assets of $ 20,670.93. MOTION: by John Tribe, 2nd Angie Slater to accept the Financial Statements as provided. Carried.

Membership: 425 as of January 1/22 Correspondence:

– Letter from Williams Lake Branch #10 re dissolution had been received.

(a) A thank you card has been sent to Ada Brown for doing a review of the 2022 financial

(b) Jackie Davis thanked the Branches who have updated their information on the Website.

Jackie also thanked the current Board of Directors for their service & then adjourned the meeting & turned it over to John Tribe to conduct the elections.

(a) President – Jackie Davis by acclamation
(b) Vice President – John Tribe by acclamation
(c) Secretary Treasurer – Florence Tellier by acclamation
(d) Directors: 2 year positions: 1. Doreen Rail by acclamation

2. Angeline Slater by acclamation 3. Lynn Tribe by acclamation

(e) Directors: 1 year positions: 1. Hal Giles by acclamation
2. Linda Hiles by acclamation

3. Elizabeth Ewen by acclamation
Jackie Davis then welcomed the new Board of Directors & reopened the meeting for –

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  1. (a)  The executive has regretfully accepted the dissolution of Williams Lake Branch #10.
  2. (b)  Quesnel Branch #3 is having their 50th Fiddle Contest on October 1, 2022. On Motion by Linda Hiles, 2nd Anita Gammel a budget of $200 was approved to use to purchase something to celebrate this milestone (flowers/balloon/card) of their 50th Contest. Carried.
  3. (c)  It was noted that the 2022 Canadian Grand Masters had been held in Winnipeg in August. Michael Burnyeat had placed 5th & Max Francis had placed 7th, representing BC well. CGM in 2023 will be August 25 & 26 in Truro Nova Scotia.
  4. (d)  There were some suggestions to use Zoom for executive meetings. On Motion by Hal Giles, 2nd Doreen Rail a $ 20 budget per Zoom meeting was approved if necessary.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 am

F. Tellier

Florence Tellier Secretary-Treasurer



Minutes of the 41stAnnual General Meeting September 15, 2019

The meeting was held at the Heritage House, 100 Lorne Street, Kamloops, BC (following a pancake breakfast by the Paddlewheelers Lions Club), with President Jackie Davis in the chair.

There were 17 members & 4 guests present including 6 Provincial Board members (Jackie Davis, Florence Tellier, John Tribe, Jean Gelinas, Irene McAvena & Clark Hiles).  Barry Nakahara, Craig Freeman, & Karen Omit were absent from the board of directors. Four out of 13 Branches were represented.

Copies of the Meeting Agenda were distributed & the meeting was called to order at 9:03 a.m.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of June 3, 2018 had also been distributed.  MOTION:  by Jean Gelinas, 2ndIrene McAvena to approve the minutes as provided.  Carried.

Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 had been circulated.  The statements reflected a net loss for the year of $ 2,915.66 and total current assets of $ 16,567.33.  MOTION:  by Florence Tellier, 2ndClark Hiles to accept the Financial Statements as presented.  Carried.

Ada Brown was thanked for doing a review of the 2019 financial statements.


  • Thank you note from Michael Burnyeat re Grand Masters.


  • Jackie Davis reported on the success of the 2019 Canadian Grand Masters in Abbotsford, BC in August.
  • Top eleven were: Ethan Harty, 2. Kyle Burghout, 3. Jane Cory, 4. Paul Lemelin, 5. Kai Gronberg, 6. Ryan Rene Joshua D’Aoust, 7. Emma March, 8. Michael Burnyeat, 9. Tristen Durocher, 10. Maggie Whitaker, 11. Raymond Knorr.
  • The BCOTFA had provided $ 250 each to 3 of our recommendations who competed; Michael Burnyeat, Lia Gronberg & Chloe Nakahara.

ELECTIONS: Meeting was then adjourned at 9:09 and turned over to Clark Hiles & John Tribe to conduct elections. Scrutineers were Lynn Tribe & Jackie Davis.

  • President – Jackie Davis by acclamation
  • Vice President – Nominations were Clark Hiles & John Tribe with John Tribe elected by vote
  • Secretary Treasurer – Florence Tellier by acclamation
  • Directors:1 year position:  Nominated were Barry Nakahara & Doreen Rail with Doreen Rail elected by vote
  • Directors:2 year positions:  Nominated were Jean Gelinas & Clark Hiles with Jean Gelinas elected by vote.
  • Nominated was Clark Hiles, elected by acclamation
  • Nominated were Irene McAvena & Barry Nakahara with Barry Nakahara elected by vote

Motion by Hal Giles to destroy the ballots, 2ndby Doreen Rail & Carried.


  • Quesnel Branch #3 will host the 42ndAnnual General Meeting in October, 2020
  • Reminder that Quesnel Branch #3 will be having their 50thFiddle Contest in October, 2020. Lets all join them in celebrating such a wonderful milestone!
  • Jackie Davis recommended that we request ALL Branches to submit a nominee from their Branch to let their name stand for the Provincial Board of Directors for the 2020 AGM

Meeting adjourned at 9:35 AM
