Kamloops Branch #12

Welcome Monthly Calendar Dance CGM 2025 Kamloops
Membership  Facebook Page You tube Channel

Registration & Tickets Click Here

Kamloops with a population of 106,000 lies at the end of the Coquihalla Highway some 200 km north from Hope. 

The city lies in the Thompson River Valley at the confluence of the North and South Thompson Rivers. Established as a fur trading centre in 1812, it served multiple purposes including a main rail centre for the Canadian Pacific Railway from 1886. The city was incorporated in 1893 and home to 1000 people.

The major industrial support for todays community is agriculture, forestry/wood products & mining. It also provides support and infrastructural support to the copper producer in the Highland Valley to the south.

Kamloops, Canada’s Tournament Capital, provides world-class facilities for national and international athletes, while supporting local participation and training programs at every level of competition.  Facilities include the Tournament Capital Center, Pools, Arenas, Fields and Gyms.


 Regular Meetings

  • Normally held four times a year at Heritage House, 100 Lorne Street, Riverside Park.   Members will be advised of dates.

 Practice Sessions

  • Practices are now taking place in the Lower Lounge of Heritage House every Tuesday from 7:00 to 9:00 PM.   Please contact Florence at 250-376-2330 for further info.   Everyone playing an instrument is welcome (fiddles, guitars, mandolins, etc.)  No charge to join the session.


 Florence Tellier, Secretary-Treasurer – phone # 250-376-2330 Contact by email

 Special Events

Want your email on our list  Click here

Current Board of Directors 2023

President – Jackie Davis 250-319-3680

Vice-President – Angeline Slater

Secretary-Treasurer – Florence Tellier

Directors – Sylvie Johnson, Anita Gammel, Gary Gammel, Rick Meridew, Dan Allen & John Heim.


Membership -Jackie Davis email kamloopsoldtimefiddlers@gmail.com

Sunshine – Betty Tasko –  250-372-2809

Music Directors –  Sylvie Johnson Request for Playout 

Newsletter – Dave Lynn